Com a expansão do registro de literatura gris (literatura não convencional) na área de RHS na América Latina e Caribe, este espaço foi criado para acesso rápido a publicações de interesse da Rede de Observatórios de Recursos Humanos em Saúde, onde você encontrará relatórios, guias, políticas e outras publicações técnicas e científicas com a possibilidade de utilizar filtros por tópico, ano de publicação, país, idioma, entre outros.


Interface de busca que permite a recuperação de documentos indexados do Repositório de Recursos Humanos em Saúde.

Resultados: 4

Instrument N° 2. HRH Program Evaluation Questionnaire: Expanded version

This instrument serves as the core document for evaluation and description of the HRH program selected. In order to complete the information requested, use the documents, reports, evaluations, budgets and HRH data available for program evaluation. Attached is a sample (fictional) of a rural health physi...

Instrument N° 3. Program Description from the Implementers’ Perspective. HRH Program Evaluation Core Questionnaire. Belize

This questionnaire includes at least 16 key questions that should serve as the basis for the evaluation of Human Resources for Health (HRH) programs, as a complimentary process to the measurement of regional goals for HRH. The questions are focused on providing a basic review and evaluati...

Status report on indicators. 20 goals for a decade in HRH

The Terms of Reference required, inter alia, updating the 20 Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health. These 20 Regional Goals are indicators developed by PAHO to measure a country’s progress in meeting the development of its health related human resources, since the development of human resources...